Webster's English Dictionary

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1. rose  past of RISE 
2. rose \'ro-z\ \-.li-k\ n [ME, fr. OE, fr. L rosa] 1a: any of a genus 
   (Rosa of the family Rosaceae, the rose family) of  usu. prickly shrubs with 
   pinnate leaves and showy flowers having five petals in the wild state but 
   being often double or semidouble under cultivation 1b: the flower of a rose 
    2: something resembling a rose in form : as  2a1: COMPASS CARD  2a2: a 
   circular card with radiating lines used in other instruments  2b: a rosette 
   esp. on a shoe  2c1: a form in which diamonds and other gems are cut that 
   usu. has a flat c ircular base and facets in two ranges rising to a point 
   2c2: a gem with a rose cut  3: a variable color averaging a moderate 
   purplish red  : in secret or private  - rose.like aj
3. rose aj 1a: of or relating to a rose  1b: containing or used for roses  
   1c: flavored, scented, or colored with or like roses  2: of the color rose 
4. ro.se \ro--'za-\ n [F] : a light pink table wine made from red grapes by 
   removing the skins after  fermentation has begun