Webster's English Dictionary

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ru.di.ment \'ru:d-*-m*nt\ \.ru:d-*-'ment-*l\ \-(.)men-'ter-*-le-, -m*n-\ 
   \-'ment-*-re--n*s, -'men-tre--\ \-'ment-*-re-, -'men-tre-\ n [L rudimentum 
   beginning, fr. rudis raw, rude] 1: a basic principle or element or a 
   fundamental skill - usu. used in pl.  2a: something unformed or undeveloped 
   : BEGINNING - usu. used in  pl. 2b: a body part or organ so deficient in 
   size or structure as to entirely p revent its performing its normal 
   function - ru.di.men.tal aj