Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. rude                  
1. raw \'ro.\ \'ro.(-*)r\ \'ro.-*st\ aj or raw.er;  or raw.est [ME, fr. OE 
   hre-aw; akin to OHG hro- raw, L crudus raw,] cruor blood, Gk kreas flesh 1: 
   not cooked  2a1: being in or nearly in the natural state {~ fibers}  2a2: 
   not diluted or blended {~ spirits}  2b: unprepared or imperfectly prepared 
   for use  3a1: having the underlying tissues exposed  3a2: very irritated  
   3b: lacking covering : NAKED  4a: lacking experience or understanding : 
   GREEN  4b1: marked by absence of refinements  4b2: VULGAR, COARSE {a ~ 
   story}  5: disagreeably damp or cold  - raw.ly av
2. raw n : a raw place or state; specif : NUDITY