Webster's English Dictionary

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el.e.ment \'el-*-m*nt\ n [ME, fr. OF & L; OF, fr. L elementum] 1a: one of 
   the four substances (as air, water, fire, or earth) formerly bel ieved to 
   compose the physical universe pl  1b: weather conditions caused by 
   activities of the elements; esp :  violent or severe weather 1c: the state 
   or sphere natural or suited to a person or thing  2: a constituent part : 
   as  pl  2a: the simplest principles of a subject of study : RUDIMENTS  2b1: 
   a part of a geometric magnitude  2b2: a generator of a geometric figure  
   2b3: a basic member of a mathematical class or set  2c1: one of the 
   necessary data or values on which calculations or conclusio ns are based 
   2c2: one of the factors determining the outcome of a process  2d: any of 
   more than 100 fundamental substances that consist of atoms of on ly one 
   kind and that singly or in combination constitute all matter 2e: a distinct 
   part of a composite device  2f: a subdivision of a military unit  2g: 
   MEMBER  pl  3: the bread and wine used in the Eucharist ELEMENT applies to 
   anything that is a part of a compound or complex whole and often connotes 
   irreducible simplicity; COMPONENT and CONSTITUENT may designate any of the 
   substances (whether elements or compounds) or the qualities that enter into 
   the makeup of a complex product; COMPONENT stresses its separate entity or 
   distinguishable character; CONSTITUENT stresses its essential and formative 
   character; INGREDIENT applies to any of the substances which when combined 
   form a particular mixture (as a medicine, an alloy); FACTOR applies to any 
   constituent or element whose presence helps actively to perform a certain 
   kind of work or produce a definite result SYN syn COMPONENT, CONSTITUENT,