Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scant \'skant\ aj [ME, fr. ON skamt, neut. of skammer short; akin to Gk 
   koptein] to cut - more at CAPON dial  1a: excessively frugal : PARSIMONIOUS 
    1b: not prodigal : CHARY  2a: barely or scarcely sufficient; specif : not 
   quite coming up to  a stated measure 2b: lacking in amplitude or quantity : 
   MEAGER  - scant.ly av
2. scant av dial  : SCARCELY, HARDLY 
3. scant vt 1: to provide with a meager or inadequate portion or allowance 
   : STIN T 2: to make small, narrow, or meager : SKIMP  3: to provide an 
   incomplete supply of : WITHHOLD  4: to give scant attention to : SLIGHT