Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. thin                   2. neglect               
1. slight \'sli-t\ aj [ME, smooth, slight, prob. fr. MD slicht; akin to OHG 
   sli-hhan t]o glide - more at SLICK 1a: having a slim or delicate build : 
   not stout or massive in body  1b: lacking in strength or substance : 
   FLIMSY, FRAIL  1c: deficient in weight, solidity, or importance : TRIVIAL  
   2: small of its kind or in amount : SCANTY, MEAGER  - slight.ly av
2. slight vt 1: to treat as slight or unimportant : make light of  2: to 
   treat with disdain or indifference : ignore discourteously  3: to perform 
   or attend to carelessly and inadequately  4: SLUR 
3. slight n 1: an act or an instance of slighting  2: an instance of being 
   slighted : a humiliating discourtesy