Webster's English Dictionary

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1. di.al \'di-(-*)l\ n [ME, fr. L dies day] 1: the face of a sundial  obs  
   2: any of various timepieces  3: the graduated face of a timepiece  4a: a 
   face upon which some measurement or other number is registered usu. b y 
   means of graduations and a pointer 4b: a disk that may be turned to make 
   electrical connections or to regulate  the operation of a machine and that 
   usu. has marks around its border to serve as a guide for the operation
2. dial vb or di.aled or di.alled;  or di.al.ing;  or di.al.ling 1: to 
   measure with a dial  2a: to manipulate a telephone dial so as to call  2b: 
   to manipulate a dial so as to operate, regulate, or select  1: to 
   manipulate a dial  2: to make a call on a dial telephone