Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. command               
1. charge \'cha:rj\ vb [ME chargen, fr. OF chargier, fr. LL carricare, fr. 
   L carr]us wheeled vehicle - more at CAR archaic  1a: to lay or put a load 
   on or in : LOAD  1b1: to place a charge (as of powder) in  1b2: to load or 
   fill to capacity  1c1: to restore the active materials in (a storage 
   battery) by the passage  of a direct current through in the opposite 
   direction to that of discharge 1c2: to give an electric charge to  1d1: to 
   assume as a heraldic bearing  1d2: to place a heraldic bearing on  1e: to 
   fill full  2a: to impose a task or responsibility on  2b: to command, 
   instruct, or exhort with right or authority  of a judge  2c: to give a 
   charge to (a jury)  3a: ACCUSE, BLAME  3b: to impute blame or guilt for  
   4a: to bring (a weapon) into position for attack : LEVEL {~R a lance} 4b: 
   to rush against or bear down upon : ATTACK  5a1: to impose a pecuniary 
   burden on {~ his estate with debts incu rred} 5a2: to impose or record as a 
   pecuniary obligation {~ debts to an  estate} 5b1: to fix or ask as fee or 
   payment  5b2: to ask payment of (a person) {~ a student $50 for meals}  1: 
   to rush forward in assault : ATTACK  2: to ask or set a price 
2. charge n obs  1a: a material load or weight  1b: a figure borne on a 
   heraldic field  2a: the quantity that an apparatus is intended to receive 
   and fitted to hold  2b: a store or accumulation of force  2c: a definite 
   quantity of electricity  slang  2d: THRILL, KICK  3a: OBLIGATION, 
   REQUIREMENT  3b: MANAGEMENT, SUPERVISION  3c: the ecclesiastical 
   jurisdiction (as a parish) committed to a clergyman  3d: a person or thing 
   committed to the care of another  4a: INSTRUCTION, COMMAND  4b: instruction 
   in points of law given by a court to a jury  5a: EXPENSE, COST  5b: PRICE  
   5c: a debit to an account  6a: ACCUSATION, INDICTMENT  6b: a complaint of 
   error, failure, or wrong  7: ATTACK, ASSAULT