Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. essential             
1. car.di.nal \'ka:rd-n*l, -*n-*l\ \-e-\ aj [ME, fr. OF, fr. LL cardinalis, 
   fr. L, of a hinge, fr. cardin-, ]cardo hinge; akin to OE hratian to rush, 
   Gk skairein to gambol : of basic importance : MAIN, CHIEF, PRIMARY  - 
   car.di.nal.ly av
2. cardinal \-.ship\ n [fr. its color, resembling that of the cardinal's 
   robes] 1: a high ecclesiastical official of the Roman Catholic Church who 
   ranks ne xt below the pope and is appointed by him to assist him as a 
   member of the college of cardinals 2: CARDINAL NUMBER - usu. used in pl.  
   3: a woman's short hooded cloak orig. of scarlet cloth  4: any of several 
   American finches (genus Richmondena) of the souther n and middle U.S of 
   which the male is bright red with a black face and pointe d crest - 
   car.di.nal.ship n