Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. decline               
1. re.fuse \ri-'fyu:z\ vb [ME refusen, fr. MF refuser, fr. (assumed) VL 
   refusare, fr. L] refusus, pp. of refundere to pour back 1: to decline to 
   accept : REJECT  2a: to show or express unwillingness to do or comply with  
   2b: DENY {was refused entrance}  obs  3: to give up : RENOUNCE  of a horse  
   4: to decline to jump or leap over  : to withhold acceptance, compliance, 
   or permission  - re.fus.er n
2. ref.use \'ref-.yu:s, -.yu:z\ n [ME, fr. MF refus rejection, fr. OF, fr. 
   refuser] 1: the worthless or useless part of something : LEAVINGS  2: 
3. ref.use \'ref-.yu:s, -.yu:z\ aj : thrown aside or left as worthless :