Webster's English Dictionary

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1. seg.re.gate \'seg-ri-.ga-t\ \'seg-ri-.ga-t-iv\ vb [L segregatus, pp. of 
   segregare, fr. se- apart + greg-,] grex herd - more at SECEDE, GREGARIOUS 
   1: to separate or set apart from others or from the general mass : IS OLATE 
   2: to cause or force the separation of (as from the rest of society)  1: 
   SEPARATE, WITHDRAW  2: to practice or enforce a policy of segregation  3: 
   to separate during meiosis - used esp. of allelic genes  - seg.re.ga.tive 
2. seg.re.gate \'seg-ri-g*t, -.ga-t\ n : a segregated individual or class 
   of individuals