Webster's English Dictionary

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en.force \in-'fo-(*)rs, -'fo.(*)rs\ \-.fo-r-s*-'bil-*t-e-, -.fo.r-\ 
   \-'fo-r-s*-b*l, -'fo.r-\ \-'fo-r-sm*nt, -'fo.r-\ vt [ME enforcen, fr. MF 
   enforcier, fr. OF, fr. en- + force] 1: to give force to : STRENGTHEN  2: to 
   urge with energy  3: CONSTRAIN, COMPEL  obs  4: to effect or gain by force  
   5: to execute vigorously {~ laws} M refers chiefly to laws, and statutes 
   and implies the exercise of executive or police power; IMPLEMENT suggests 
   the peformance of acts necessary to bring into effect some agreed-on plan, 
   measure, or policy - en.force.abil.i.ty n SYN syn ENFORCE, IMPLEMENT mean 
   to put into effect. ENFORCE