Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. characteristic         2. special               
1. in.di.vid.u.al \.in-d*-'vij-(*-)w*l, -'vij-*l\ \-e-\ aj [ML 
   individualis, fr. L individuus indivisible, fr. in- + ]dividuus divided, 
   fr. dividere to divide obs  1: INSEPARABLE  2a: of, relating to, or used by 
   an individual {~ traits}  2b: being an individual or existing as an 
   indivisible whole  2c: intended for one person {an ~ serving}  3: existing 
   as a distinct entity : SEPARATE  4: having marked individuality {an ~ 
   style}  - in.di.vid.u.al.ly av
2. individual n 1a: a particular being or thing as distinguished from a 
   class, species, or  collection : as 1a1: a single human being as contrasted 
   with a social group or institution  1a2: a single organism as distinguished 
   from a group  1b: a particular person  2: an indivisible entity  3: the 
   reference of a name or variable of the lowest logical type in a calc ulus