Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pol.i.cy \'pa:l-*-se-\ n [ME policie, government, policy, fr. MF, 
   government, regulation, fr. LL (Xpolitia - more at POLICE 1a: prudence or 
   wisdom in the management of affairs : SAGACITY  1b: management or procedure 
   based primarily on material interest  2: a definite course or method of 
   action selected from among alternatives a nd in light of given conditions 
   to guide and determine present and future decisions
2. policy n [alter. of earlier police, fr. MF, certificate, fr. OIt 
   polizza, mo]dif. of ML apodixa receipt, fr. MGk apodeixis, fr. Gk, proof, 
   fr. apodeiknynai to demonstrate - more at APODICTIC 1: a writing whereby a 
   contract of insurance is made  2a: a daily lottery in which participants 
   bet that certain numbers will be  drawn from a lottery wheel 2b: NUMBER