Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. go                    
with.draw \with-'dro., with-\ vb [ME, fr. with from + drawen to draw] 1a: 
   to take back or away  1b: to remove from use or cultivation  1c: to turn 
   away (as the eyes) from an object of attention  1d: to draw back or aside  
   2a: to remove from consideration or set outside a group  2b1: to take back 
   : RETRACT  2b2: to recall or remove (a motion) under parliamentary 
   procedure  1a: to move back or away : RETIRE  1b: to draw back from a 
   battlefield : RETREAT  2a: to remove oneself from participation  2b: to 
   become socially or emotionally detached  3: to recall a motion under 
   parliamentary procedure