Webster's English Dictionary

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1. sick.ly \'sik-le-\ aj 1: somewhat unwell; also : habitually ailing  2: 
   produced by or associated with sickness {a ~ complexion} {a  ~ appetite} 3: 
   producing or tending to disease : UNWHOLESOME {a ~ clim ate} 4: appearing 
   as if sick :  4a: LANGUID, PALE {a ~ flame}  4b: WRETCHED, UNEASY {a ~ 
   smile}  4c: lacking in vigor : WEAK {a ~ plant} {~ beer)> 5a: tending to 
   produce nausea {a ~ odor}  5b: MAWKISH  - sickly av
2. sickly vt : to make sick or sickly