Webster's English Dictionary

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sick \'sik\ aj [ME sek, sik, fr. OE se-oc; akin to OHG sioh sick, M]Ir 
   socht depression 1a1: affected with disease or ill health : AILING  1a2: 
   of, relating to, or intended for use in sickness {~ pay a @ ward} 1b: 
   NAUSEATED, QUEASY {~ at one's stomach was ~  in the car} 1c: MENSTRUATING  
   2: spiritually or morally unsound or corrupt  3a: sickened by strong 
   emotion (as shame or fear) {~ with fear wor ried ~} 3b: SATIATED, SURFEITED 
   {~ of flattery}  3c: DISGUSTED, CHAGRINED {gossip that makes one ~}  3d: 
   depressed and longing for something {~ for one's home}  4: mentally or 
   emotionally unsound or disordered : MORBID {~)R thoughts} 5: lacking vigor 
   : SICKLY : as  5a: badly outclassed {looked ~ in the contest}  5b: 
   declining or inactive after a period of speculative activity {grain  
   futures were ~} 5c: incapable of yielding a profitable crop esp. because of 
   buildup of dis ease organisms {clover-sick soils}he common term in American 
   use but not in British use where ILL is preferred and SICK usu. restricted 
   to mean violently nauseated SYN syn SICK, ILL mean not being in good 
   health. SICK is t