Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. blaze                 
1. flame \'fla-m\ n [ME flaume, flaumbe, fr. MF flamme (fr. L flamma) & 
   ]flambe, fr. OF, fr. flamble, fr. L flammula, dim. of flamma flame; akin to 
   L flagrare to burn 1: the glowing gaseous part of a fire  2a: a state of 
   blazing combustion  2b: a condition or appearance suggesting a flame  2c: 
   BRILLIANCE, LUMINESCENCE  3: burning zeal or passion  4: SWEETHEART 
2. flame vi 1: to burn with a flame : BLAZE  2: to burst or break out 
   violently or passionately  3: to shine brightly : GLOW  1: to send or 
   convey by means of flame  2: to treat or affect with flame; esp : to 
   cleanse, sterilize, or  destroy by fire - flam.er n