Webster's English Dictionary

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1. smile \'smi-(*)l\ \'smi--lin-le-\ vb [ME smilen; akin to OE smerian to 
   laugh, L mirari to wonder,]Skt smayate he smiles 1: to have, produce, or 
   exhibit a smile  2a: to look or regard with amusement or ridicule  2b: to 
   be propitious  2c: to appear pleasant or agreeable  1: to affect with or by 
   smiling  2: to express by a smile  - smil.er n
2. smile n 1: a change of facial expression involving a brightening of the 
   eyes and an  upward curving of the corners of the mouth that may express 
   amusement, pleasure, affection, irony, or derision 2: a pleasant or 
   encouraging appearance