Webster's English Dictionary

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1. pale \'pa-(*)l\ \'pa-(*)l-le-\ \-n*s\ aj [ME, fr. MF, fr. L pallidus, 
   fr. palle-re to be pale - more at] FALLOW 1: deficient in color or 
   intensity of color : PALLID  2: not bright or brilliant : DIM  3: FEEBLE, 
   FAINT  4: deficient in chroma {a ~ pink}  - pale.ly av
2. pale vi : to become pale to make pale 
3. pale vt [ME palen, fr. MF paler, fr. pal] : to enclose with pales : 
4. pale n [ME, fr. MF pal stake, fr. L palus - more at POLE] archaic  1: 
   PALISADE, PALING  2a: one of the stakes of a palisade  2b: PICKET  3a: 
   ENCLOSURE  3b: a territory or district within certain bounds or under a 
   particular jur isdiction 4: an area or the limits within which one is 
   privileged or protected (as fr om censure) {conduct that was beyond the ~} 
   5: a perpendicular stripe in an escutcheon