Webster's English Dictionary

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sin.cere \'sin-'si(*)r, s*n-\ aj [MF, fr. L sincerus] 1a: free of 
   dissimulation : not hypocritical : HONEST {a ~)R friend} {~ interest} 1b: 
   free from adulteration : PURE {~ doctrine} {~R wine} 2: marked by 
   genuineness : REAL, TRUE {a ~ work of a rt}MUNFEIGNED mean genuine in 
   feeling. SINCERE stresses absence of hypocrisy, feigning, or any falsifying 
   embellishment or exaggeration; WHOLEHEARTED suggests sincerity and earnest 
   devotion without reservation or misgiving; HEARTFELT suggests depth of 
   genuine feeling outwardly expressed; HEARTY suggests honesty, warmth, and 
   exuberance in displaying feeling; UNFEIGNED stresses spontaneity and 
   absence of pretense - sin.cere.ly av SYN syn SINCERE, WHOLEHEARTED,