Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. quaker                
1. friend \'frend\ n [ME frend, fr. OE fre-ond; akin to OHG friunt friend; 
   both] fr. the prp. of a prehistoric Gmc verb represented by OE fre-on to 
   love; akin to OE fre-o free 1a: one attached to another by affection or 
   esteem  1b: ACQUAINTANCE  2a: one not hostile  2b: one that is of the same 
   nation or group  3: one that favors something  obs  4: PARAMOUR  cap  5: a 
   member of a group that stress Inner Light, reject ostentation, outward  
   rites, and an ordained ministry, and oppose war
2. friend vt : to act as the friend of : BEFRIEND