Webster's English Dictionary

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depth \'depth\ \'dep(t)s, 'depths\ \'depth-l*s\ n or depths [ME, prob. fr. 
   dep deep] pl  1a1: a deep place in a body of water  1a2: a part that is far 
   from the outside or surface {the ~s o f the woods} 1a3: ABYSS  1b1: a 
   remote region (as of thought)  1b2: the middle of a time (as winter)  1b3: 
   an extreme state (as of misery)  1b4: the worst part  2a: the perpendicular 
   measurement downward from a surface  2b: the direct linear measurement from 
   the point of viewing usu. from front  to back 3: the quality of being deep  
   4: the degree of departure from colorlessness of a bulky color or from whit 
   e of a surface color - depth.less aj