Webster's English Dictionary

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  1. chaste                
pure \'pyu.(*)r\ aj [ME pur, fr. OF, fr. L purus; akin to Skt puna-ti he 
   clean]ses, MIr u-r fresh, green 1a1: unmixed with any other matter {~ gold} 
    1a2: free from dust, dirt, or taint {~ food}  1a3: SPOTLESS, STAINLESS  
   1b: free from harshness or roughness {~ tone}  of a vowel  1c: 
   characterized by no appreciable alteration of articulation during utte 
   rance 2a: SHEER, UNALLOYED {~ folly}  2b1: ABSTRACT, THEORETICAL  2b2: a 
   priori {~ mechanics}  2c: not directed toward exposition of reality or 
   solution of practical pro blems {~ literature}; esp : being nonobjective 
   and to be appraised on formal and technical qualities only {~ form} 3a1: 
   free from what vitiates, weakens, or pollutes  3a2: containing nothing that 
   does not properly belong  3b: free from moral fault or guilt  3c: marked by 
   chastity : CONTINENT  3d1: of pure blood and unmixed ancestry  3d2: 
   homozygous in and breeding true for one or more characters  3e: ritually 
   clean  - pure.ness n