Webster's English Dictionary

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1. stew \'st(y)u:\ n [ME stu, fr. MF estuve, fr. (assumed) VL extufa, fr. 
   extuf]are to stew obs  1: a utensil used for boiling  2: a hot bath  3a: 
   BROTHEL  3b: a district of brothels - usu. used in pl.  4a: food prepared 
   by stewing; esp : fish or meat usu. with vegetabl es prepared in this way 
   4b1: a heterogeneous mixture  4b2: a state of heat and congestion  5: a 
   state of excitement, worry, or confusion 
2. stew vt : to boil slowly or with simmering heat  1: to become cooked by 
   stewing  2: to swelter esp. from confinement in a hot or stuffy atmosphere  
   3: to become agitated or worried : FRET