Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hot \'ha:t\ aj or hot.ter;  or hot.test [ME, fr. OE ha-t; akin to OHG 
   heiz hot, Lith kai-sti to] get hot 1a: having a relatively high temperature 
    1b: capable of giving a sensation of heat or of burning, searing, or scald 
   ing 1c: having heat in a degree exceeding normal body heat  2a: ARDENT, 
   FIERY {~ temper}  2b: VIOLENT, RAGING  2c: LUSTFUL, LECHEROUS  2d: EAGER {~ 
   for reform}  of jazz  2e: ecstatic and emotionally exciting and marked by 
   strong rhythms and fre e melodic improvisations 3: having or causing the 
   sensation of an uncomfortable degree of body heat  4: newly made : FRESH {~ 
   scent} : ; also : clo se to something sought 5a: suggestive of heat or of 
   burning or glowing objects  5b: PUNGENT, PEPPERY  6a: unusually lucky or 
   favorable  6b: temporarily capable of unusual performance  6c: currently 
   popular  6d1: - used as a generalized term of approval  6d2: ABSURD, 
   UNBELIEVABLE  7a: electrically energized esp. with high voltage  7b: 
   RADIOACTIVE; also : dealing with radioactive material  of a vehicle  7c: 
   FAST  8a: recently and illegally obtained  8b: wanted by the police; also : 
   unsafe for a fugitive  - hot.ly av
2. hot av : HOTLY