Webster's English Dictionary

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1. fish \'fish\ \'fish-.li-k\ n or fish or fish.es [ME, fr. OE fisc; akin 
   to OHG fisc fish, L piscis] pl  1a: an aquatic animal - usu. used in 
   combination {starfish} { cuttlefish} 1b: any of numerous cold-blooded 
   strictly aquatic craniate vertebrates that  have typically an elongated 
   somewhat spindle-shaped body terminating in a broad caudal fin, limbs in 
   the form of fins when present at all, and a 2-chambered heart by which 
   blood is sent through thoracic gills to be oxygenated 2: the flesh of fish 
   used as food  3: PERSON {a queer ~}  4: something that resembles a fish : 
   as  4a: a purchase used to fish the anchor  4b: a piece of wood or iron 
   fastened alongside another member to strengthen  it - fish.like aj
2. fish vi 1: to attempt to catch fish  2: to seek something by roundabout 
   means {~ing for praise}  3a: to search for something underwater (as with a 
   hook)  3b: to engage in a search by groping or feeling  1: to try to catch 
   fish in {~ the stream}  2a: to catch or try to catch  2b: to draw forth as 
   if fishing