Webster's English Dictionary

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1. heat \'he-t\ vb [ME heten, fr. OE h-tan; akin to OE ha-t hot] 1: to 
   become warm or hot  2: to become hot and start to spoil  1: to make warm or 
   hot  2: EXCITE  - heat.ed.ly av
2. heat \'he-t-l*s\ n 1a1: a condition of being hot : WARMTH  1a2: a marked 
   or notable degree of hotness  1b: pathological excessive bodily temperature 
    1c: a hot place or situation  1d1: a period of heat  1d2: a single 
   complete operation of heating; also : the quantity of  material so heated 
   1e1: added energy that causes substances to rise in temperature, fuse, evap 
   orate, expand, or undergo any of various other related changes, that flows 
   to a body by contact with or radiation from bodies at higher temperatures, 
   and that can be produced in a body (as by compression) 1e2: the energy 
   associated with the random motions of the molecules, atoms,  or smaller 
   structural units of which matter is composed 1f: appearance, condition, or 
   color of a body as indicating its temperature  1g: one of a series of 
   intensities of heating  2a: intensity of feeling or reaction  2b: the 
   height or stress of an action or condition  2c: sexual excitement esp. in a 
   female mammal; specif : ESTRUSM 3: pungency of flavor  4: a single 
   continuous effort : as  4a: a single course in a race  4b: one of several 
   preliminary races held to eliminate less competent conte nders slang  4c1: 
   the intensification of law-enforcement activity or investigation  4c2: 
   PRESSURE, COERCION  - heat.less aj