Webster's English Dictionary

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1. bath \'bath, 'ba.th\ \'bathz, 'baths, 'ba.thz, 'ba.ths\ n or baths [ME, 
   fr. OE bth; akin to OHG bad bath, OE bacan to b] pl ake 1: a washing 
   or soaking (as in water or steam) of all or part of the body  2a: water 
   used for bathing  2b1: a contained liquid for a special purpose  2b2: a 
   receptacle holding the liquid  2c1: a medium for regulating the temperature 
   of something placed in or on i t 2c2: a vessel containing such medium  3a: 
   BATHROOM  3b: a building containing an apartment or a series of rooms 
   designed for ba thing 3c: SPA - usu. used in pl.  4: the quality or state 
   of being covered with a liquid  5: BATHTUB 
2. bath vb Brit  : to give a bath to  Brit  : to take a bath 
3. bath n [Heb] : an ancient Hebrew liquid measure corresponding to the 
   ephah of dry measu re