Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. care                  
1. wor.ry \'w*r-e-, 'w*-re-\ vb [ME worien, fr. OE wyrgan; akin to OHG 
   wurgen to strangle, Li]th verzhachek>ti to constrict dial Brit  1: CHOKE, 
   STRANGLE  2a: to harass by tearing, biting, or snapping esp. at the throat  
   2b: to shake or pull at with the teeth {terrier ~ing a rat> 2c: to touch or 
   disturb something repeatedly  2d: to change the position of or adjust by 
   repeated pushing or hauling  3a: to assail with rough or aggressive attack 
   or treatment : TORMENT)M 3b: to subject to persistent or nagging attention 
   or effort  4: to afflict with mental distress or agitation : make anxious : 
   FR ET dial Brit  1: STRANGLE, CHOKE  2: to move, proceed, or progress by 
   unceasing or difficult effort : S TRUGGLE 3: to feel or experience concern 
   or anxiety : FRET TEASE, TANTALIZE: WORRY implies an incessant goading or 
   attacking that drives one to desperation; ANNOY suggests molesting, 
   interfering or intruding causing anger or discomfort in the victim; HARASS 
   implies persecution with small attacks or exactions that wear down or 
   distract; HARRY may imply heavier oppression or maltreatment than HARASS; 
   PLAGUE suggests the torment of a painful disease or anything comparable in 
   effect; PESTER implies a continual annoyance as by vermin or demanding 
   children; TEASE suggests an attempt to break down one's resistance or rouse 
   to wrath; TANTALIZE implies awakening expectation and then withholding or 
   frustrating satisfaction SYN syn ANNOY, HARASS, HARRY, PLAGUE, PESTER, 
2. worry n 1a: mental distress or agitation resulting from concern usu. for 
   something  impending or anticipated : ANXIETY 1b: an instance or occurrence 
   of such distress or agitation  1c: a cause of worry : TROUBLE, DIFFICULTY  
   2: the act of seizing an animal with the teeth and shaking it so as to kill 
    or injure it