Webster's English Dictionary

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syl.lo.gism \'sil-*-.jiz-*m\ \.sil-*-'jis-tik\ \-ti-k*l\ \-ti-k(*-)le-\ n 
   [ME silogisme, fr. MF, fr. L syllogismus, fr. Gk syllogismos,] fr. 
   syllogizesthai to syllogize, fr. syn- + logizesthai to calculate, fr. logos 
   reckoning, word - more at LEGEND 1: a deductive scheme of a formal argument 
   consisting of a major and a mino r premise and a conclusion (as in "every 
   virtue is laudable; kindness is a virtue; therefore kindness is laudable") 
   2: deductive reasoning  3: a subtle, specious, or crafty argument  - 
   syl.lo.gis.tic aj