Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. plan                  
1. scheme \'ske-m\ n [L schemat-, schema arrangement, figure, fr. Gk 
   sche-mat-,] sche-ma, fr. echein to have, hold, be in (such) a condition; 
   akin to OE sige victory, Skt sahate he prevails archaic  1a: a mathematical 
   or astronomical diagram  1b: an astrological figure  1c: a graphic sketch 
   or outline  2: a concise statement or table : EPITOME  3: a plan or program 
   of action; esp : a crafty or secret one  4: a systematic or organized 
   framework : DESIGN 
2. scheme vt : to form a scheme for to form plans; also : PLOT, INTRI GUE - 
   schem.er n