Webster's English Dictionary

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1. word \'w*rd\ n [ME, fr. OE; akin to OHG wort word, L verbum, Gk eirein 
   to sa] often attrib y, speak 1a: something that is said  pl  1b1: TALK, 
   DISCOURSE  1b2: the text of a vocal musical composition  1c: a brief remark 
   or conversation  2a1: a speech sound or series of speech sounds that 
   symbolizes and communic ates a meaning without being divisible into smaller 
   units capable of independent use 2a2: the entire set of linguistic forms 
   produced by combining a single base  with various inflectional elements 
   without change in the part of speech elements 2b: a written or printed 
   character or combination of characters representin g a spoken word 2c: a 
   combination of electrical or magnetic impulses conveying a quantum of  
   information in communication and computer work 3: ORDER, COMMAND  often cap 
    4a: LOGOS  4b: GOSPEL  4c: the expressed or manifested mind and will of 
   God  5a: NEWS, INFORMATION  5b: RUMOR  6: the act of speaking or of making 
   verbal communication  7: SAYING, PROVERB  8: PROMISE, DECLARATION  9: a 
   quarrelsome utterance or conversation - usu. used in pl.  10: a verbal 
   signal : PASSWORD 
2. word vi archaic  : SPEAK to express in words : PHRASE