Webster's English Dictionary

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cal.cu.late \'kal-ky*-.la-t\ vb [L calculatus, pp. of calculare, fr. 
   calculus pebble (used in] reckoning), dim. of calc-, calx stone used in 
   gaming, lime - more at CHALK 1a: to determine by mathematical processes  
   1b: to reckon by exercise of practical judgment : ESTIMATE  1c: to solve or 
   probe the meaning of : figure out  2: to design or adapt for a purpose  
   chiefly North  3a: to judge to be true or probable  3b: INTEND  1a: to make 
   a calculation  1b: to forecast consequences  2: COUNT, RELY  determine 
   something mathematically. CALCULATE is usu. preferred in reference to 
   highly intricate process and problematical rather than exact or definite 
   result; COMPUTE is the simpler term for reaching an exact result by simpler 
   arithmetic process; ESTIMATE applies chiefly to the forecasting of costs or 
   trends and suggests a seeking of usable but tentative and approximate 
   results; RECKON usu. suggests the simpler arithmetical processes or 
   rough-and-ready methods SYN syn CALCULATE, COMPUTE, ESTIMATE, RECKON mean 