Webster's English Dictionary

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1. ma.jor \'ma--j*r\ aj [ME maiour, fr. L major, compar. of magnus great, 
   large - m]ore at MUCH 1: greater in dignity, rank, importance, or interest  
   2: greater in number, quantity, or extent  3: having attained majority  4: 
   notable or conspicuous in effect or scope  5: SERIOUS {a ~ illness}  6a: of 
   or relating to a subject of academic study chosen as a field of spe 
   cialization 6b: of or relating to a secondary-school course requiring a 
   maximum of cla ssroom hours 7a: having half steps between the third and 
   fourth and the seventh and eig hth degrees {~ scale} 7b: based on a major 
   scale {~ key}  7c: equivalent to the distance between the keynote and 
   another tone (excep t the fourth and fifth) of a major scale {~ interval} 
   7d: containing a major third {~ triad} 
2. major n 1: a person having attained majority  2a: one that is superior 
   in rank, importance, station, or performance  2b: a major musical interval, 
   scale, key, or mode  3: a commissioned officer in the army, air force, or 
   marine corps ranking a bove a captain and below a lieutenant colonel 4a: a 
   subject of academic study chosen as a field of specialization  4b: a 
   student specializing in such field 
3. major \'ma-j-(*-)rin\ vi or ma.jor.ing : to pursue an academic major