Webster's English Dictionary

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usu.al \'yu:zh-(*-)w*l, 'yu:-zh*l\ \-e-\ aj [LL usualis, fr. L usus use] 1: 
   accordant with usage, custom, or habit : NORMAL  2: commonly or ordinarily 
   used  3: found in ordinary practice or in the ordinary course of events : O 
   RDINARYUSUAL stresses the absence of strangeness or unexpectedness: 
   CUSTOMARY applies to what accords with the practices, conventions, or 
   usages of an individual or community; HABITUAL suggests a practice settled 
   or established by much repetition; WONTED closely approximates HABITUAL or 
   CUSTOMARY; ACCUSTOMED is less emphatic than WONTED or HABITUAL in 
   suggesting fixed habit or invariable custom - usu.al.ly av SYN syn