Webster's English Dictionary

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com.po.si.tion \.ka:m-p*-'zish-*n\ \-'zish-n*l, -*n-*l\ n [ME composicioun, 
   fr. MF composition, fr. L composition-, ]compositio, fr. compositus 1a: the 
   act or process of composing; specif : arrangement into prop er proportion 
   or relation and esp. into artistic form 1b: the work of a compositor  2a: 
   the manner in which something is composed  2b: personal constitution : 
   MAKEUP  2c: the qualitative and quantitative makeup of a chemical compound  
   3: mutual settlement or agreement  4: a product of mixing or combining 
   various elements or ingredients  5: an intellectual creation : as  5a: a 
   piece of writing; esp : a written exercise in school  5b: a written piece 
   of music esp. of considerable size and complexity  5c: a work of art whose 
   elements are combined artistically  6: the quality or state of being 
   compound  - com.po.si.tion.al aj