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tran.scribe \tran(t)s-'kri-b\ vt [L transcribere, fr. trans- + scribere to 
   write - more at (MSCRIBE 1a: to make a written copy of  1b: to make a copy 
   of (dictated or recorded matter) in longhand or on a ty pewriter 1c: to 
   paraphrase in writing  1d: to write down : RECORD  2a: to represent (speech 
   sounds) by means of phonetic symbols  2b: TRANSLATE  2c: to transfer (data) 
   from one recording form to another  2d: to record (as on magnetic tape) for 
   later broadcast  3: to make a musical transcription of  4: to broadcast by 
   electrical transcription  - trans.scrib.er n