Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. reproduction          
1. copy \'ka:p-e-\ n [ME copie, fr. MF, fr. ML copia, fr. L, abundance - 
   more at CO]PIOUS 1: an imitation, transcript, or reproduction of an 
   original text, engraving , or photograph archaic  3: something to be 
   imitated : MODEL  4: matter to be set up for printing or photoengraving 
2. copy vt 1: to make a copy of  2: to model oneself on  1: to make a copy  
   2: to undergo copying s duplicating an original as nearly as possible; 
   IMITATE suggests following a model or pattern without precluding some 
   variation; MIMIC implies a close copying esp. of voice or mannerisms for 
   sport or for lifelike simulation or representation; APE may suggest 
   presumptuous or servile or inept imitating of a superior original; MOCK 
   adds to MIMIC the clear implication of derisive intent SYN syn IMITATE, 
   MIMIC, APE, MOCK: COPY implie