Webster's English Dictionary

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1. scribe \'skri-b\ n [ME, fr. L scriba official writer, fr. scribere to 
   write; akin to G]k skariphasthai to scratch an outline, keirein to cut - 
   more at SHEAR 1: one of a learned class in ancient Palestine studying the 
   Scriptures and  serving as copyists, editors, teachers, and jurists 2a: an 
   official or public secretary or clerk  2b: a copier of manuscripts  3: 
2. scribe vi : to work as a scribe : WRITE 
3. scribe vt [prob. short for describe] : to mark a line on by cutting or 
   scratching with a pointed instrument; (Xalso : to make by cutting or 
4. scribe n : SCRIBER