Webster's English Dictionary

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1. re.cord \ri-'ko.(*)rd\ vb [ME recorden, lit., to recall, fr. OF 
   recorder, fr. L recordari)X, fr. re- + cord-, cor heart - more at HEART 
   1a1: to set down in writing  1a2: to deposit an authentic official copy of  
   1b1: to register permanently  1b2: INDICATE, READ  2: to cause (as sound) 
   to be registered (as on a phonograph disc) in repro ducible form : to 
   engage in recording 
2. rec.ord \'rek-*rd also -.o.(*)rd\ n 1: the state or fact of being 
   recorded  2: something that records : as  2a: something that recalls or 
   relates past events  2b: an official writing that records the acts of a 
   public body or officer  2c: an authentic official copy of a document 
   deposited with a legally desig nated officer 2d: the official copy of the 
   papers used in a law case  3a: the known or recorded facts regarding 
   something or someone  3b: an attested top performance  4: something on 
   which sound or visual images have been recorded; specif)X : a disc with a 
   spiral groove carrying recorded sound for phonograph reproduction
3. record \like 2\ aj : surpassing others of its kind