Webster's English Dictionary

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1. trans.plant \tran(t)s-'plant\ \-*-b*l\ \.tran(t)s-.plan-'ta--sh*n\ 
   \tran(t)s-'plant-*r\ vb [ME transplaunten, fr. LL transplantare, fr. L 
   trans- + pl]antare to plant 1: to lift and reset (a plant) in another soil 
   or situation  2: to remove from one place and settle or introduce elsewhere 
   : TRANS PORT 3: to transfer (an organ or tissue) from one part or 
   individual to another  : to admit of being transplanted  - trans.plant.able 
2. trans.plant \'tran(t)s-.plant\ n 1: the act or process of transplanting  
   2: something transplanted