1. lift \'lift\ n [ME, fr. OE lyft] chiefly Scot : HEAVENS, SKY
2. lift vb [ME liften, fr. ON lypta; akin to OE lyft air - more at ]LOFT
1a: to raise from a lower to a higher position : ELEVATE 1b: to raise in
rank or condition 1c: to raise in rate or amount 2: to put an end to (a
blockade or siege) by withdrawing investing forces 3: REVOKE, RESCIND 4a:
STEAL 4b: PLAGIARIZE 4c: to take out of normal setting 5: to take up (as
a root crop or transplants) from the ground 6: to pay off (an obligation)
7a: to shift (artillery fire) from one area to another 7b: to withhold
(fire) from an area 8: to move from one place to another : TRANSPORT 9:
to take up (a fingerprint) from a surface 1a: ASCEND 1b: to appear
elevated (as above surrounding objects) 2a: to disperse upward {until the
fog ~s} 2b: to cease temporarily HEAVE, BOOST mean to move from a lower to
a higher place or position. LIFT usu. implies exerting effort to overcome
resistance of weight or, figuratively, depression or sluggishness; RAISE
carries a stronger implication of bringing up to the vertical or,
figuratively, bringing into being; REAR may add an element of suddenness to
RAISE; ELEVATE may replace LIFT or RAISE esp. when exalting or enhancing is
implied; HOIST implies lifting something heavy esp. by mechanical means;
HEAVE implies lifting with great effort or strain; BOOST suggests assisting
to climb or advance by a push - n SYN syn LIFT, RAISE, REAR,
3. lift n often attrib 1: the amount that may be lifted at one time : LOAD
2a: the action or an instance of lifting 2b: the action or an instance of
rising 2c: elevated carriage 2d: the lifting up of a dancer by her
partner 3: a device for lifting 4: an act of stealing : THEFT 5a:
ASSISTANCE, HELP 5b: a ride along one's way 6: one of the layers forming
the heel of a shoe 7: a rise or advance in position or condition 8: a
slight rise or elevation 9: the distance or extent to which something
rises 10: a set of pumps used in a mine chiefly Brit 11a: ELEVATOR 11b:
an apparatus for raising an automobile (as for repair) 11c: a conveyor for
carrying people up or down a mountain slope 12a: an elevating influence
12b: an elevation of the spirits 13: the component of the total
aerodynamic force acting on an airplane or a irfoil that is perpendicular
to the relative wind and that for an airplane constitutes the upward force
that opposes the pull of gravity