Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. position               2. state                 
sit.u.a.tion \.sich-*-'wa--sh*n\ \-shn*l, -sh*n-*l\ \-e-\ n 1a: the way in 
   which something is placed in relation to its surroundings  1b: SITE  
   archaic  1c: LOCALITY  archaic  2: state of health  3a: position or place 
   of employment : POST, JOB  3b: position in life : STATUS  4a: position with 
   respect to conditions and circumstances {military ~)R} 4b: the sum total of 
   internal and external stimuli that act upon an organis m within a given 
   time interval 5a: relative position or combination of circumstances at a 
   certain moment <(the ~ seemed to call for a general retreat} 5b: a 
   critical, trying, or unusual state of affairs : PROBLEM  5c: a particular 
   or striking complex of affairs at a stage in the action of  a narrative or 
   drama - sit.u.a.tion.al aj