Webster's English Dictionary

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1. much \'m*ch\ \'mo-(*)r, 'mo.(*)r\ \'mo-st\ aj or more;  or most [ME 
   muche large, much, fr. michel, muchel, fr. OE micel], mycel; akin to OHG 
   mihhil great, large, L magnus, Gk megas 1a: great in quantity, amount, 
   extent, or degree  1b: existing or present in a relative quantity or amount 
   or to a relative  extent or degree {taken too ~ time} obs  2: many in 
2. much av or more;  or most 1a1: to a great degree or extent : 
   CONSIDERABLY {~ happier } 1a2: VERY  1b1: FREQUENTLY, OFTEN  1b2: LONG  2: 
3. much n 1: a great quantity, amount, extent, or degree {gave away ~}  2: 
   something considerable or impressive {was not ~ to look at}