Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. common                
1. or.di.nary \'o.rd-*n-.er-e-\ n [ME ordinarie, fr. AF & ML; AF, fr. ML 
   ordinarius, fr. L ordinar]ius, adj. 1a1: a prelate exercising original 
   jurisdiction over a specified territory  or group 1a2: a clergyman 
   appointed formerly in England to attend condemned criminal s 1b: a judge of 
   probate in some states of the U.S.  often cap  2: the parts of the mass 
   that do not vary from day to day  3: regular or customary condition or 
   course of things {nothing out of the  ~} Brit  4a: a meal served to all 
   comers at a fixed price  chiefly Brit  4b: a tavern or eating house serving 
   regular meals  5: a common heraldic charge (as the bend or chevron) of 
   simple form 
2. ordinary aj [ME ordinarie, fr. L ordinarius, fr. ordin-, ordo order] 1: 
   to be expected : ROUTINE, NORMAL  2: having or constituting immediate or 
   original jurisdiction; also :: belonging to such jurisdiction 3a: of common 
   quality, rank, or ability  3b: POOR, INFERIOR  3c: lacking in refinement