Webster's English Dictionary

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1. hab.it \'hab-*t\ n [ME, fr. OF, fr. L habitus condition, character, fr. 
   habitus, pp. o]f habe-re to have, hold - more at GIVE archaic  1: CLOTHING  
   2a: a costume characteristic of a calling, rank, or function  2b: RIDING 
   HABIT  3: BEARING, CONDUCT  4: bodily appearance or makeup : PHYSIQUE  5: 
   the prevailing disposition or character of a person's thoughts and feeli 
   ngs : mental makeup 6: a usual manner of behavior : CUSTOM  7a: a behavior 
   pattern acquired by frequent repetition or physiologic expos ure that shows 
   itself in regularity or increased facility of performance 7b: an acquired 
   mode of behavior that has become nearly or completely invol untary 8: 
   characteristic mode of growth or occurrence  of a crystal  9: 
   characteristic assemblage of forms at crystallization leading to a usual  
   appearance 10: ADDICTIONM, USE, WONT mean a way of acting that has become 
   fixed through repetition. HABIT implies a doing unconsciously or without 
   premeditation, often compulsively; HABITUDE implies a fixed attitude or 
   usual state of mind; PRACTICE suggests an act or method followed with 
   regularity and usu. through choice; USAGE suggests a customary action so 
   generally followed that it has become a social norm; CUSTOM applies to a 
   practice or usage so steadily associated with an individual or group as to 
   have the force of unwritten law; USE and WONT are rare in speech, and 
   differ in that USE stresses the fact of repeated action, WONT the manner of 
2. habit vt : CLOTHE, DRESS