Webster's English Dictionary

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com.mu.ni.ty \k*-'myu:-n*t-e-\ n [ME comunete, fr. MF comunete`, fr. L 
   communitat-, commun]itas, fr. communis 1: a unified body of individuals : 
   as  1a: STATE, COMMONWEALTH  1b: the people with common interests living in 
   a particular area; broadl y : the area itself 1c: an interacting population 
   of various kinds of individuals (as species)  in a common location 1d: a 
   group of people with a common characteristic or interest living toget her 
   within a larger society 1e: a group linked by a common policy  1f: a body 
   of persons or nations having a history or social, economic, and  political 
   interests in common 2: society at large  3a: joint ownership or 
   participation  3b: LIKENESS  3c: FELLOWSHIP  3d: a social state or 