Webster's English Dictionary

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Cross references:
  1. oral                  
1. ver.bal \'v*r-b*l\ \-b*-le-\ aj [MF or LL; MF, fr. LL verbalis, fr. L 
   verbum word] 1a: of, relating to, or consisting in words  1b: of, relating 
   to, or involving words only rather than meaning or substa nce 1c: 
   consisting of or using words only and not effective action  2: of, relating 
   to, or formed from a verb {~ noun}  3: spoken rather than written {~ 
   contract}  4: WORD-FOR-WORD, VERBATIM {~ translation}  - ver.bal.ly av
2. verbal n : a word that combines characteristics of a verb with those of 
   a noun or a djective