1. whine \'hwi-n, 'wi-n\ \'hwi--nin-le-, 'wi--\ vb [ME whinen, fr. OE
hwi-nan to whiz; akin to ON hvi-na t]o whiz 1a: to utter a high-pitched
plaintive or distressed cry 1b: to make a sound similar to such a cry 2:
to utter a complaint with or as if with a whine : to utter or express with
or as if with a whine - whin.er n
2. whine or whin.ey \-ne-\ n 1a: a prolonged high-pitched cry usu.
expressive of distress or pain 1b: a sound resembling such a cry 2: a
complaint uttered with or as if with a whine - whin.y aj